What we do
The LGBTQ Caucus of Social Work Students & Faculty (Q Caucus) is a support, networking, and advocacy group. Membership is open to social work educators and scholars throughout the world who are LGBTQ or interested in LGBTQ issues.
In addition to the online group and listserv, we usually meet at both the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Annual Programming Meeting and at the annual conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR). At CSWE, we support a reception with the Council on Sexual Orientation & Gender Expression (CSOGIE) and host our own networking event. Our official journal is the Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services.
Learn about the current executive board, comprised of faculty and doctoral students in social work.
Becoming a member is quick and easy! Complete the membership form and make an optional donation.
We are pleased to highlight members currently on the 2023-2024 academic job market.
Check out the latest announcements and events from the Q Caucus.
Contact us
Contact info@qcaucus.com to get more information or request something be emailed to membership.